Social Clubs Sports Clubs
Anime and Gaming Club Athletics Club
Art Club Badminton Club
Dance Club Basketball Club
Drama Club Boxing and Fitness Club
Fashion Club Cricket Club
Lit Club Dragon Boating Club
Media Club Football Club
MUN Club Table Tennis Club
Music Club Tennis Club
  Volleyball Club


The AGC hosted an un-official session where club members engaged in a couple games of Skribbl. The session was filled with jokes, fun and confusion as members new and old got to engage in a fun activity while getting to know each other.


Near the end of the first week, to take a breather the club had its first Movie Night, where they watched Monsters University and Thor (2011). This first week also brought to light what the fresher’s thoughts and feelings were getting into university and what their expectations of the future ahead for them would be like.

The online club signups were held on 8th September 3-5pm. A good amount of students joined the club. All the queries were answered and cleared by the athletics council. Training sessions will be starting soon on Sunday’s and Wednesdays at 7pm-8.45pm in Dubai American Academy.

The art club welcomed 56 new members! In addition, the club started the first art event of the year "Inktober" where 31 artists from Heriot-Watt will be collaborating to complete the challenge together during the month of October!

Our club sign ups held last week were a huge success with wround 160 sign ups! We're stoked to announce that our club session will be taking place in GEMS Al Barsha National School on Thursdays, from 6pm-8pm. Hope to see you then :)

nothing, yet.


This week we did a cover for Instagram reels with three members from the club. It was collaborative and fun. 

We started the week with lots of sign ups…152 to be exact. Made a WhatsApp group to keep the freshers updated and an informal group as well for them to socialize. Next we started sessions for seniors/ existing batch, 2 down, Wednesday and today (Saturday) morning. 


During the freshers week, drama club shot an introductory video to introduce our club.


Drama club hosted a script writing competition in collaboration with lit club. 



To promote the presence of social clubs in Heriot Watt University; drama club, in collab with other social clubs has started working on a major film project.

Introduced all students to the club and discussed events planned for the year on Teams during sign ups.

Back to campus shoot- 

A photo shoot collaborated with the marketing team, 12-15 students new and existing from the club were part of the shoot for the back to campus news article.

Last week was very exciting, we had the sign ups for the football team conducted virtually. We’ve got a massive number of student signed up for trials and spoke briefly about how this semester is going to look for the team. We’ll be looking forward to conducting the try outs and building a stronger team.

This week, our  ~secret society~  literary club opened an exciting new position for an editor!  We've also started working on our brand new designs fitting to our theme (launching soon). Additionally, we've started preparations to make our taster sessions super exciting for all our freshers.

A competition titled "Freshers Challenge" was announced, for all the freshers at Heriot-Watt University, Dubai. During this competition, one winner of each category (video + photo) wins a cash price of AED 75. The competition is open till the 19th of September and winners will be announced on the 21st of September. As a member of the media club and as the social representative, I can say that not only me but our whole team is super thrilled to view all the entries and who is the lucky individual to win this!

More about the competition:

nothing yet

The Music Club started off this week with a very successful online club-signup with over 130 members and counting. We have so many talented people and they really inspire and motivate you to get better at your craft. We as a club are extremely proud of our team and can’t wait to showcase their talent in our upcoming events.


We are looking forward to welcoming more members through the in-person signups and are currently busy preparing for it.

As we go into week two of the semester, we would like to announce that the online club sign-ups that took place last week were a huge success :).

We've had over twenty students sign up to the Table Tennis Club, and we expect more people to join us through the taster session and on-campus sign-ups. As always, feel free to contact us on Instagram @hwud_tt, Email , or even in person. Have a great day!!

nothing :/

Last week we introduced the club to our fellow members. We had signups for taster session that is free trial in world trade centre today(Sunday). We talked to our club members and introduced ourselves and got to know more about them